Highland Assembly Media
On Demand Sermons & Services
On Demand Sermons & Services
Have you given up on your prayers being answered? Has your dream died? Do you think it's too late for your miracle? In this message, we look at a story of a miracle in the Bible and a mother who would not give up. You can get your hopes up!
When you have big problems, but no answers; big needs, but little left, it can be frightening and discouraging. You wonder if there is any answer, any hope. Where is God in this situation?
Today Missionaries J.T. and Rachel Espejo share the miraculous story of J.T.'s escape from Sudan. You will be inspired and reminded of God's faithfulness in spite of difficult and uncertain circumstances. The moments of unexplainable rescue and protection will cause you to say, "Only God."
Are you in a season of life where there is just never enough? Never enough money, time, energy? In this message, Pastor Jason looks at two miracles from Scripture and the message for you. You will be encouraged to believe God for miracles!
Have you ever had a problem that was too big to handle? It doesn't look like you have a chance. In this message, Pastor Jason Ellis looks at the story of an upset victory by an underdog. We can learn what to do when the odds are against us!
What should we do when we can't "feel" God? In these spiritual dry times, what does it mean to dig a ditch?
In this message, Pastor Jason Ellis looks at the question, "Do we keep it all for ourselves, or do we share with everyone else?"
Pastor Jason Ellis finishes our "Only God" series with the story of an unlikely candidate for a miracle, who received his healing in an unusual way. You can still believe for your miracle!
One of the most popular topics for books, lectures, and learning is leadership. It seems everyone wants to be a leader. Our country, schools and churches need capable leaders. But not everyone is a leader. Every organization needs faithful followers. This week we will discover how to be a faithful follower as we look at the life of Elisha in our new series: "Only God!"