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  • Big God Little Me
    • 9/29/24

    Big God Little Me

    Have you ever faced a challenge that makes you think: "There's no way. I can't do this. I don't have a chance?" This week, we continue "Giant" with an encouraging message that will restore your hope!

  • It's Time to Fight
    • 9/8/24

    It's Time to Fight

    In one of the Bible's most epic stories, the army of Israel faced an enormous, terrifying giant. Goliath was unstoppable as long as no one was willing to fight. From David, we learn that if we are to ever defeat the giants in our lives, we must decide that it's time to fight.

  • Unlikely Heroes
    • 9/18/24

    Unlikely Heroes

    David, a simple messenger boy from the country, was the least likely person to end the forty-one day stand-off with Goliath. God can make a giant killer out of anyone, regardless of age or size... anyone who is willing to fight.

  • Silence the Critics
    • 9/22/24

    Silence the Critics

    Young David was the only person willing to fight Goliath, and yet he still had to deal with critics. We all face critics, and David's response to his critics helps us understand how we can silence ours.

  • How to Face a Giant
    • 10/6/24

    How to Face a Giant

    We all love a powerful speech from a great leader. Young David gave perhaps the greatest speech of them all while standing toe to toe with Goliath, and through his words we learn how to face down the giants in our life.

  • The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall
    • 10/13/24

    The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

    When you have the courage to defeat your Giant, you also inspire others to do the same. Young David's triumph over Goliath and the Philistine army teaches us a valuable lesson about the contagious nature of courage.