Service Times
Highland Student Service (Wednesdays)
6:00pm (Youth Room)
Sunday School Classes (Sundays)
9:30am (Education Building)
Main Services (Sundays)
10:30am (Sanctuary)
Middle School & High School Students
Highland Student Ministry is built around the desire to see students become fully-devoted followers of Jesus for life. We want to do more than teach or entertain. We want to form real and lasting relationships with students that create an environment for true and lasting discipleship.
Highland Student Ministry has loving, and involved staff devoted to reaching and connecting students to each other and to God. Our goal is to love students and show them the life-changing power of Jesus!
Highland Student Ministry takes place on Wednesday nights where students can hang out in the Youth Room and attend service at 6pm. On the Sundays, Highland Student Ministry attends the 10:30am service together in the Sanctuary. Sunday School is at 9:30am – students hangout in the Youth Room for while and then head to their classes with their teachers.
Our Goal:
Developing Life-long
Follwers of Jesus
The Service.
Highland Youth is the transition point where students begin experiencing church like adults. Our service happens on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in the sanctuary.
The Groups.
Small groups are where real discipleship happens, and deep relationships are built. These groups happen on Sunday Nights from 4:30 - 7:00 PM.
Join a group.

STL: Speed the Light
The Stuff.
At Highland, we believe that the parent can and should be the main spiritual leader in their children’s lives. As their youth leaders, we are here to help resource you with guides, curriculum, and information to help you better understand how to help your kids and understand today’s youth culture.
We are always looking for new, excited team members who have a passion to see student’s lives transformed by the love of Jesus. These years are some of the most foundational years for students, and we believe having healthy influences can impact them for the rest of their lives.