Highland Assembly Media
On Demand Sermons & Services
On Demand Sermons & Services
This message is the start of our new series, "No Name." Over the next six messages, we will look at some familiar stories from the Bible where the hero is never named. Although we don't know their name, we learn a lot from their faith! We start by looking at a marginalized man who Jesus included - it's an amazing story!
In this message, we’ll conclude our series on healing by tackling some difficult questions: Does miraculous healing actually happen? Why don’t we see more miracles here in America? Why are some people healed when others aren’t? Why isn’t everyone healed? What are some things that keep you from a miracle? Is going to a doctor or taking medication a lack of faith? How do you restore your faith after praying so hard for a loved one who died in spite of those prayers?
The common cold comes and goes - life goes back to normal. But what about the lingering sickness, chronic pain, or uncontrollable anxiety that just won't go away? If you have been battling sickness and pain for far too long, healing is available for you. In this message, we will take a look at the story of a lady who battled a disease for 12 years with no hope to be healed. When all hope is lost, and solutions can't be found, Jesus' healing touch is available for you!
When you think of healing, you often think of sickness, disease, or chronic pain. But some of the most painful parts of life that cause you to cry for God's healing touch aren't diagnosable or easily seen. Broken hearts and shattered dreams can be life-controlling - your world comes crashing down with no hope in sight. In this message, you will hear a remarkable story of God’s healing power as we continue our series on healing.
Have you ever prayed for healing? If you have, you know how hopeless of a feeling it can be to have little control over your situation. As Americans, we want a plan or formula to fix our sickness and discomfort. But that isn't how healing works - you can't limit God to one miraculous method.
With this message, we begin a 4-week series on healing. We will learn what the Bible says about healing and set aside time to pray for a miracle in your life. I encourage you, if you or a loved one needs healing, don't miss a single message! As we look at two miraculous stories of healing from the Bible, you will see we serve a God powerful enough to heal in a multitude of ways!
At Highland Assembly, our goal is to be a healthy church – functioning as God intended and designed. In this message, we will look at the 12 signs of a healthy church found in Acts, chapter 2. It is a great message to share – they will learn who we are and what matters most.
Did everything go as planned in 2024? If not, don't worry - 2025 can be a better year! In this message, we will look at the story that follows the birth of Jesus and learn together some practical things to do during a season of waiting. If you want to see a change in 2025, watch this message!
Are you tired, weak, and worn down? In the busyness of the holiday season, exhaustion often reveals itself. Watch the final message of our "Overcoming" series. With God's help, you can overcome exhaustion!
In this message, we will continue our series by learning how God can help you overcome loneliness.
This weekend, we will continue our series, "Overcoming", by talking about how God's power can help you overcome depression. If you or a loved one struggles with depression, we encourage you to watch or share this video!
In this message, we will continue our series, "Overcoming," and learn how to overcome an issue that affects all of us - fear. With God's help, you can overcome the fears that control you!
In this message, we will continue our series, “Overcoming,” and talk about how to overcome low self-worth with God’s help!
In this message, we are discussing anxiety. This life-controlling issue is impacting all generations. It doesn't matter how old you are, how much money you have, or what color your skin is - anxiety can affect you. But just because anxiety is common doesn't mean it has to control you. With God's power, you can learn to overcome anxiety!
Every day you make value decisions - you decide what's worth the price and what's not. People around you can tell what you value by looking at what you spend money on and how you spend your time. When something is valuable, you don't think twice when it comes to time and money. …
Have you ever bought something from an unknown seller to save a few dollars only to find out later that it would have been better to spend the extra money to deal with someone who could be trusted? Trust and value are connected. The more you trust, the more willing you are to pay the price.
What does holding your child for the first time, having the entire family together for Christmas, and watching your grandchild chase their dreams have in common? They are all priceless moments, a family heirloom, or a silly drawing your kid made in class, there are things worth than money. …
When you have the courage to defeat your Giant, you also inspire others to do the same. Young David's triumph over Goliath and the Philistine army teaches us a valuable lesson about the contagious nature of courage.
We all love a powerful speech from a great leader. Young David gave perhaps the greatest speech of them all while standing toe to toe with Goliath, and through his words we learn how to face down the giants in our life.
Have you ever faced a challenge that makes you think: "There's no way. I can't do this. I don't have a chance?" This week, we continue "Giant" with an encouraging message that will restore your hope!
Young David was the only person willing to fight Goliath, and yet he still had to deal with critics. We all face critics, and David's response to his critics helps us understand how we can silence ours.
David, a simple messenger boy from the country, was the least likely person to end the forty-one day stand-off with Goliath. God can make a giant killer out of anyone, regardless of age or size... anyone who is willing to fight.
In one of the Bible's most epic stories, the army of Israel faced an enormous, terrifying giant. Goliath was unstoppable as long as no one was willing to fight. From David, we learn that if we are to ever defeat the giants in our lives, we must decide that it's time to fight.
People don't like to talk about death and loss. But when someone close to you dies, you are forced to think about it. Today Pastor Jason will cover what happens when we grieve and what to do if you or someone you know is going through grief.
Conflict is inevitable – at home, work and even at church. Unhealthy approaches to conflict harm your witness and damage those around you. It’s important you learn how to handle things the right way – the biblical way. In this message, we will look at a story in the book of Acts and discover the power of our Core Value: Resolve Conflict Biblically.
In this message, we’ll look at a Bible story that highlights the value of working together. It’s a great, encouraging story that will remind you just how big a difference you make!
In this message, we continue our Core Value series and talk about developing and maintaining a strong relationship with God. If you’ve been feeling distant or disconnected, this message is perfect for you!
Life often has a way of presenting new challenges and unique struggles for you to figure out and solve. Living in a sin-sick, broken world makes things difficult! In this message, we will continue our "Core Values" series by talking about how the Bible is our guidebook for living. When you face trouble in this life, you can look to God's Word for the solution!
This message continues our "Core Values" series by discussing the importance of building healthy families! You will learn important principles for building a healthy family and the excuses people make to keep them from doing so.
This message kicks off our new series: “Core Values”. In this series, we’ll look at the values that are foundational at Highland Assembly – and influence everything we do. Whether you are new to the church or have been coming for years, you’ll enjoy this one! We start with the value that has become the slogan for our church.
When you believe that “Every Soul Matters to God," it influences your words, actions, and behavior.
This week we wrap up our Lost and Found series. Too many Christians look at the world around us and only see the negative: they fret and worry about dark days ahead for the Church. While we should be aware of what is happening in the world, the Bible tells us the end: We Win! The Bible tell us to be confident in our faith, because God wins in the end. We should walk in victory, and not fear!
The word "holiness" brings to mind a lot of different definitions, depending on your age or where you live. Is it a certain way of dressing, or rules about where you can go and what you can do? What does the Bible mean when it says that followers of Christ should be "separate" from the world?
We are used to shouting, cheering, and celebrating after a sports win, but many of us have forgotten that all throughout the Bible, God's people celebrate His goodness in the same way. The modern American church seems to have lost its shout.
One of the things we seem to have lost over time is our song. Sometimes life gets us down. How can we have joy, how can we sing with the way the world seems to be going today? Have you been there? What do you do when you lose your song?
It's an interesting time in America right now. It seems like a lot of people have lost their sanity. They are going crazy, giving in to fear and believing some of the most ridiculous things. Remember, we serve a God who is everywhere. He is bigger, stronger, and mightier than any crisis or political party. What can Christ followers do to restore some sanity on our culture? You may not like the answer.
It's a horrible feeling to lose something special and important to you. In this message, Pastor Jason Ellis talks about something many Christians seem to have lost - something special and important that Scripture commands. Too many Christians have lost their smile. They don't display the joy of knowing, following, and serving Jesus.
The American church hasn't always been willing to talk about suffering. But we can't avoid the topic - the Bible spends a fair amount of time on this subject. How should a believer face suffering?
In this message, we’ll consider some of your questions about the Family Farm and deal with some difficult painful truths. Here are some of the questions we will consider:
How do you not reproduce bad seeds that were planted in you? How do you avoid passing negative things down to the next generation?
How do you deal with the regrets of planting the wrong things?
You’ll discover how making the decision to change your harvest can transform your family’s legacy. You can’t change the past, but you can control your future.
In this message, we continue "Family Farm" and the study over the right seeds to plant in your family! By now, you understand that whatever seed you plant grows - good or bad. The three seeds that we will look at in this message don't just work in your family - they work in your job, with your friends, and even in our church!
In this message, we’ll talk about the right seeds to plant. You will learn characteristics and behaviors that will cause your family to grow into everything you imagined and everything God planned they could be. It’s time to plant the right seeds!
If you don't yet have a family or don't plan on having one, these principles will still impact the way you approach other relationships.
At Highland Assembly we believe in building healthy families. In fact, it is one of our Core Values! But building a healthy family, raising healthy children, and fostering a healthy marriage is much easier said than done. It takes work - hard work.
In this message, you will discover principles that have the power to change your family's legacy for the better. No matter where your family is on this journey, We challenge you to watch each message. We want your family to be healthy, whole, and life-long followers of Jesus.
If you are single, don't click away! The principles we will learn are easily transferable to other relationships. And, you’ll discover the important role you play as together we raise the next generation of leaders.
In this message, we finish our series by looking at the blessings God makes available to each of us through His Holy Spirit. If you are in a season of difficulty, this message will encourage you to keep going and challenge you to trust the Lord. In spite of your hurt and pain, the Holy Spirit can guide you through.
In this message, we will learn about the gifts of the Spirit and how God uses His people to accomplish His plan. Many people are confused about what the gifts of the Spirit are and how they work because they approach this topic through the lens of their tradition instead of looking at what the Bible says. we encourage you to watch ready to learn and prepared to be inspired!
In this message, we will take a look at Jesus' final words to his disciples and the events that directly followed. Many people have a variety of opinions about these events, but we look at what the Bible says! We encourage you to watch with an open mind and prepared heart!
This message kicks off our new series: "The Holy Spirit." Over the next four messages, you’ll learn about The Holy Spirit and His role in your life. Depending on your church background, you may have different ideas. We’ll base our study on the Bible! In this message, we start with a look at the practical role The Holy Spirit should play in the life of a biblical Christian. From the words of Jesus, you will discover how The Holy Spirit can strengthen your walk with God.
We live in an instant society. Everything has to be done right now. But life is not always instant. God isn't instant. We want immediate answers, instant results and on-demand blessings. But God doesn't operate on our timeline. For many people, this is a big challenge - why they walk away from God and give up on faith.
The result of all the scams and lies in our culture today is that we don't know who or what to trust. Does the way we trust people affect how we trust God?
Do you know someone who is always negative? Are you a downer? Pastor Jason teaches how to be an encourager and why it’s important to lift others up!
Pastor Jason Ellis finishes our "Only God" series with the story of an unlikely candidate for a miracle, who received his healing in an unusual way. You can still believe for your miracle!
In this message, Pastor Jason Ellis looks at the question, "Do we keep it all for ourselves, or do we share with everyone else?"
What should we do when we can't "feel" God? In these spiritual dry times, what does it mean to dig a ditch?
Have you ever had a problem that was too big to handle? It doesn't look like you have a chance. In this message, Pastor Jason Ellis looks at the story of an upset victory by an underdog. We can learn what to do when the odds are against us!
Are you in a season of life where there is just never enough? Never enough money, time, energy? In this message, Pastor Jason looks at two miracles from Scripture and the message for you. You will be encouraged to believe God for miracles!
Today Missionaries J.T. and Rachel Espejo share the miraculous story of J.T.'s escape from Sudan. You will be inspired and reminded of God's faithfulness in spite of difficult and uncertain circumstances. The moments of unexplainable rescue and protection will cause you to say, "Only God."
When you have big problems, but no answers; big needs, but little left, it can be frightening and discouraging. You wonder if there is any answer, any hope. Where is God in this situation?
Have you given up on your prayers being answered? Has your dream died? Do you think it's too late for your miracle? In this message, we look at a story of a miracle in the Bible and a mother who would not give up. You can get your hopes up!
One of the most popular topics for books, lectures, and learning is leadership. It seems everyone wants to be a leader. Our country, schools and churches need capable leaders. But not everyone is a leader. Every organization needs faithful followers. This week we will discover how to be a faithful follower as we look at the life of Elisha in our new series: "Only God!"
In this message, we’ll talk about what makes and keeps a church healthy - and how we measure up to those standards. You’ll get a clear picture of who we are as followers of Jesus – as well as where we strive to be as we continue growing in our faith together.
Christmas is a special time of celebration as Christians all around the world gather together to remember the gift given to us in Jesus! A rich story of the grace of God and His love for His people. Join us as we celebrate Christmas with incredible music and a retelling of the story of Jesus.
I have forgiven my peers, but what do I do if I have to forgive myself? How do I get rid of the self shame I have brought onto myself? This week, we will look at the Bible and take a look at what it says about how to forgive ourselves.
What do I do when I am in need of forgiveness? How do I personally move past the hurt? Do I have to just act like it never happened? This Sunday, we will look at the Bible and what it shares about what to do when we need forgiveness.
How do we forgive, and how can we move past major hurts? How can I just move on? This weekend, we'll use scripture to figure out the biblical way to forgive those who hurt us most.
Why should you forgive, when the hurt may not even be your fault? Shouldn't the offending person make the first move? This weekend, we'll take a look at Scripture to determine why forgiveness is not only a good idea--but imperative for every believer.
Forgiveness is a practice at the heart of our faith. This Sunday, we'll start a new series on forgiveness by exploring what it means--and doesn't mean--to forgive.
At Highland Assembly, our goal is to be a healthy church. A healthy church is made up of healthy, biblical Christians working together in unity. In this message, we will look at the 12 signs of a healthy church from the first church in the Book of Acts. It’s an important reminder for all of us!
Have you ever doubted God? Maybe a tragedy in life or a season of difficulty caused you to question your faith. If you are facing doubt right now, you may have so many questions that you aren't sure how you could ever believe in Him again. How can you believe in God and still deal with doubt?
With this message, we start a new series, "One on One with Jesus." During Jesus' time on Earth, He captivated and inspired people from all walks of life. Jesus performed miracles and taught large crowds of desperate listeners, but he was never too busy for one person in need. We will learn powerful lessons from His interactions with unlikely individuals. We’ll start with one of the most amazing miracle stories! You will be encouraged to believe for your miracle!